The PRIME Design Cycle is the way designers create something.

It goes in the following order:

1) Problem
2) Research
3) Ideas
4) Make
5) Evaluate

After every step of the PRIME Design Cycle, you should evaluate.

Design Cycle

1) Problem

The Problem (also known as the Design Brief), is the problem that you are presented with and you must solve. For example, you may be required to make an animation.

2) Research

Research allows me to explore all the different strategies I can use to solve the problem. Research also means you should explore how other Designers have solved similar Problems and what worked well for them.

3) Ideas

Ideas are possible designs to solve the Problem while using information gained in the Research stage so you can be adequately prepared to solve the Problem once and for all in the Make stage.

4) Make

The Make stage is when you commence the development of your design using the software and resources that your Research led you to. At times you may have to your ideas to make sure you are heading in the correct direction.

5) Evaluate

No doubt the most important stage, Evaluation is when you assess your project and check whether it fits certain criteria using the "4 P's"

1) Product - Did your project solve the Problem?
2) Process - Did you used the PRIME Design Cycle to Make your project?
3) Personal - How did you feel you went when Making your project?
4) Peers - What do your peers think of your project?

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