
1)  Flipbook

Research Questions:

1) Define the term Flipbook and explain the difference between a paper-based and a digital Flipbook.
A Flipbook is an animation that uses the quick flick between of frames to make a moving image. A paper based Flipbook uses paper to create this effect. A digital Flipbook is done on a computer to create the image.

2) Discuss the advantages of digital Flipbooks over paper-based Flipbooks.
Digital Flipbooks do not require the manual and tedious flipping of pages.

3) What has creating a Flipbook taught you about animation up to this point?
Animations are a tedious and long process, yet look very cool when complete.

4) List three project ideas that could be created using a Flipbook?

  • Stickman bouncing a ball
  • How to make cookies
  • People playing soccer

2) Linerider

Due to technical issues this video cannot be shown

Research Questions:

1) Describe what Linerider is and how it can be defined as an animation.
Linerider is an internet game that uses lines to propel a boy on a sled along the line. It is an animation because the frames of the boy sliding are changing to the next frame.

2) Describe how difficult or easy the controls for Linerider are.
Linerider's controls are very easy as they do not require much effort; only the push of the play button. The line colours are very obvious but it could be more obvious which way they are facing.

3) How might you improve the controls for Linerider?
When using lines it can be more obvious which way the line is facing.

4) What project ideas could you create using Linerider?

  • A boy saving Stickman
  • A boy going home
  • A boy going sledding

3) Pivot

Research Questions:

1) Describe what Pivot is.
Pivot is a computer-based application that uses movements in each frame to create a moving picture.

2) Identify the requirements or tools needed in order to produce a successful Pivot movie.

  • Time
  • Pivot application
  • Internet to download backgrounds and things
3) Discuss any aspects of Pivot that may prevent it from being used in a professional environment.
Pivot takes a long time to create movies with, and professionals often do not have a long time. It is also very fiddly and may not come out with a good result.

4) Describe any project ideas you have following your use of Pivot.
  • Bike Riding
  • How to play soccer
  • Movie scene reenactments

4) Stop Motion

Research Questions:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work Cameron,

    A great looking blog.

    I look forward to seeing your final project develop.
